Three Favorites Gift Set with Peppermint & Lavender Body Scrub
$ 52
Onurth's most popular body care wrapped in a handmade sinimay hemp pouch.
Ingredients: Cold Expeller Pressed Oils of Sweet Almond and Organic Sunflower, Onurth's Proprietary Blend of Lavender Essential Oils, Vitamin E.Ingredients: Pure Dead Sea Crystals, Organic Herbs of Chamomile, Rose Buds and Lavender Flowers, Onurth's Proprietary Blend of Lavender Essential Oils.
Ingredients: Cold Pressed Oils of Sweet Almond and Organic Sunflower, Dead Sea Minerals, Solar Sea Salt, Onurth's Proprietary Blend of Peppermint and Lavender Essential Oils, Vitamin E.
- Dispensing Pump for body oil
- Muslin Bag for herbal soaks
- Fair Trade Hemp Pouch
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